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First Friday

First Friday

Oct 4, 3:00pm - Oct 4, 6:00pm

5 Branches Brewing131 Hibiscus Street Map

An evening of live music and cold beer! Matt Zitwer will be performing.

9 interested  ·  3 going
Rockabilly Revalry

Rockabilly Revalry

Nov 9, 2:00pm - Nov 9, 6:00pm

131 Hibiscus Street Map

Stay tuned for more details but start planning your attire. Join us for a fun night of 1950's Rockabilly & Pin-Up attire accompanied by live Rockabilly music by The Rum Syndicate.

This event will be ticketed event benefitting Tampa Bay Gold Star Morhers so watch out for more details!

117 interested  ·  8 going


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